This afternoon your girl Cameron texted me and asked if I would do her two favors. The first favor she asked of me was to write her "About" page. The second favor was for me to write a guest post for her blog. The favor is mine. I simply asked that in return she give me time to pray over the words and be sure they were from Jesus. I expected this to take a week at the least. As usual, God didn't quite agree with my timing. Within an hour "About Cameron" was written, submitted, and posted. I had no intentions of writing my guest post tonight considering it is nearing midnight, but as I lay my head down to sleep I knew I had to. He has given me the words, and I will share them with you now.
It was brave of Cameron to go to Kenya when she was a mere 13 years old. She was just as brave to go to Memphis, Tennessee at age 15. At first this doesn't seem logical. How is it that it can take as much bravery to drive nine hours in a bus on land as it does to fly 9 hours in a plane across the ocean? How is it that loving on American children with guardians can be as important as loving on African orphans? Then you realize that to follow Jesus, wherever it may be, takes bravery. A fearlessness you can only obtain in knowing Him. That no one people is more needy than another. All people have one great need and that great need is a personal relationship with Christ.
When Cam first agreed to come to Memphis with me I must admit that I was far from fearless. I was afraid she wouldn't see the needs at hand after seeing Kenya's slums. Oh, was I wrong. She dove in, heart first. I sat by and watched her fall in love all over again. Because it was never Kenya that changed her to begin with, and Memphis wasn't going to change her either. It was Jesus. All that time, it was Jesus.
How brave it is to love whomever He loves, wherever He leads. To look into the eyes of street kids from one side of the planet to the other and see nothing other than Jesus. To hear Swahili in one land and hear English or Spanish in another and hear nothing other than desperate pleas for the Savior's love. To smell no stink, to taste no sickness, to love like Jesus. That's brave. That's what Cameron is in Jesus. That's who we all can be, in Jesus.

I could tell you all about her divine appointment, but I won't. That's a story no one but Cameron can tell. What I will tell you is this:It doesn't take a special person, though Cam is one, to be brave. It takes a willing person. A surrendered person. And if we will just surrender, we will have ample opportunities to love like Jesus.
Stop right where you are. Yes, right here and right now. Give it up. Quit fighting Him. Whatever He is calling you to do, go do it. If you are supposed to invite your neighbor to dinner, go ring their doorbell. If you are supposed to wash the dishes for your grandmother, go run the water and add the soap. If you are supposed to move to Indonesia, get off your butt and head to the airport. If you are supposed to be a pastor, start applying. The time to be brave is here. The time to be fearless is now. Right now, in the moment in which He is calling you.
If He called Cameron to Kenya at 12, He will call you now. If He called me to Memphis at 14, He will call you now. Trust in Him. That's the best advise I can give you. None of us were made to be conformists. We were made to praise God, to follow Jesus. Don't tell me that this isn't as easy is it sounds, because trust me, I know. I also know that when you follow Jesus, you won't regret it. And if what He's calling you to doesn't seem logical, it's probably real.