I'm Cameron and I am one mess of a girl.
I am the last baby of four, born in April 1999 to a busy house with two sisters and a brother. My parents have faithfully pursued Christ, each other, their children and their communities--in that order--for decades. They introduced me to a fierce love and a quiet grace. I am so thankful that Jesus let me be a Ward.
My mom was diagnosed with chronic Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma in November 2014. Jesus has used this to teach me so much about communion with him in suffering, grace and how beautiful the resurrection is. This has been the hardest and most worthwhile season of my life thus far, and I cry a lot, but I have become beautifully aware of his peace in this hardest place.
I am passionate about Jesus and the gospel and the body of Christ taking up its cross, going to hard places and laying its flesh down because it believes that the call to nail itself to the cross so that Jesus may work through it is not one to take lightly. I am passionate about seeing Jesus break the chains of poverty, social and racial prejudice, violence and addictions.
I believe that Jesus was God and he took on skin, bones and muscle to dwell among sinners: Emmanuel, God with us. I believe that he never even sinned "a little bit" so that he could be the perfect Lamb to be slain in my place; he rose from the dead (!!!) in three days, and by doing so, he conquered death once and for all for all of us because he loved us and wanted us in his presence forever.
I believe that suffering is not an absence of God, or a punishment for an unconfessed sin, but rather, suffering is the call of the gospel for believers. Suffering is what the Lord uses to show us who he is, and how deeply and completely he knows us and walks with us.
I believe--I know--that the gospel is not for those who have their lives together. In fact, the gospel is for the broken, the sinful, the addicts, gang members, prostitutes, and the moms that feel totally inadequate. The gospel is a message that demands repentance from sin and invites you into the marvelous light of Christ!
I believe that because of the fact that God alone created the entire universe out of nothing, took on flesh, hung on a cross with no skin protecting bloody muscle and bone from a wooden beam, and then rose again to give us LIFE, he is worthy of praise. God is holy and he is worthy. I believe in the Trinity, the God-head three in one.
I am not perfect. I seek to serve myself above others and I refuse grace. I shamelessly cuss really often, and some nights I skip youth group just because I don't feel like going. I am often too careless, prideful and stubborn to lay my life down for the sake of the gospel. I am not the friend, daughter, sister, aunt or servant that Jesus has asked me to be, and one time, I backed my car into a trailer hitch because it was dark and I was in a hurry. I have been depressed, suicidal, anorexic and I still have anxiety. My face breaks out, and I love ice cream and ice cream loves my thighs.
If Jesus can tabernacle among me, jagged as my edges may be, he would certainly delight in dwelling with you! He loves you and desires grace for YOU; he wants to know you and be known by you!
This is where my thoughts and relfections on what Christ is doing through me and to me land. I don't share much because I have learned how sweet the intimacy of sharing only with Jesus is, but I try not to neglect this space for too long. I hope you see Jesus in what you read here!
May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering.
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